Charleston Symphony Orchestral Fellowship2025-01-13T20:21:37+00:00

Announcing auditions for the CSO:


The Charleston Symphony Orchestral Fellowship is now accepting applications and video auditions for the 2025-2026 season.


The Orchestral Fellowship employs up to five string musicians from a national audition for up to two full seasons, as members of the Charleston Symphony Orchestra via participation in all applicable services and performances. Participating fellows perform in the CSO’s Masterworks Series, Pops Series, Education & Community Engagement Programs, in addition to engagement with members of the Charleston Symphony Youth Orchestra.

All fellows are compensated according to the standard CSO per-service scale, in addition to travel compensation and per diem. Charleston-area residence is not required. Housing is provided to fellows residing outside of Charleston during service and concert weeks. There will be additional dates added for enrichment workshops and mock auditions and more service opportunities throughout the season. Fellows must be present for 6 of the 8 Masterworks series performances to be in good standing of the fellowship program.  

Participation in other fellowships or membership within other orchestras will not preclude anyone from candidacy or participation.

Current Fellowship Openings:

  • Violin (2)
  • Viola (1)
  • Cello (1)
  • Bass (1)
Learn more about the Fellowship


  1. Graduate of, or currently enrolled in a graduate-level music degree program – applicable degree programs including Masters’ degree, DMA or Ph.D., or Artist/Performance Diploma or Certificate.
  2. If currently enrolled in a degree program, must be in good academic standing with the institution.
  3. Must possess all documentation that allows them to work legally in the United States (for foreign nationals, such documents might include a green card or an F-1 student visa with ability to do curricular practical training, etc.)
  4. Available for 6 of 8 Masterworks series performances. Must attend all rehearsals and fellowship workshops within the concert series.
  5. Forward all submission requirements outlined below by Thursday, March 6, 2025, 11:59pm EST. 


  1. Resume or Curriculum Vitae
  2. Please write a 250–500-word essay covering the following two points: 1) Your goals for this experience. Explain what you hope to learn, the skills and insights you bring, and how this opportunity can boost your personal and professional growth. 2) What have you done to champion diversity, equity, and inclusion, and how do you aim to continue this work in the arts and culture industry?
  3. Two letters of recommendation from professional or academic references.
  4. Copy of official transcript, only if currently pursuing a degree program.
  5. Introductory video stating any additional information you’d like us to know about you that doesn’t appear on your resume. Submissions should be no longer than 3 minutes in duration.
  6. Audition Video [see below: Required Audition Repertoire]
    • Please submit the required orchestral excerpts and your concerto at the highest quality possible. Orchestral excerpts must be taken in one continuous take and all recordings must be unedited, have a stationary camera angle, and should have been recorded in the past 6 months.

Required Audition Repertoire


Solo Repertoire: First movement exposition of one standard violin concerto of choice 

Orchestral Excerpts:

  • Violin 1 parts 
    • Strauss: Don Juan, p. 1 (all) 
    • Mendelssohn: Midsummer Night’s Dream – Scherzo, mm. 17-99 (beginning – 7mm. after Reh D) 
    • Mozart: Symphony No. 39 – mvt. 2, mm.1-54 
    • Brahms: Symphony No. 4, mvt. 4, mm. 33-80 


  • Violin 2 excerpt  
    • Rachmaninov: Symphony No. 2 – mvt. 2, 11 before reh. 33 (Meno mosso) – reh. 35 


Solo Repertoire: First movement exposition of one of the following viola concertos: Bartok, Hindemith (Der Schwanendreher), or Walton 

Orchestral Excerpts:

  • Beethoven: Symphony No. 3 – Scherzo, mm. 1 to 2nd ending 
  • Mozart: Symphony No. 35 “Haffner” – mvt. 1, mm. 41 to mm. 66 
  • Shostakovich: Symphony No. 5 – mvt. 1, reh. 15 to reh. 17 
  • Brahms: Symphony No. 4 – mvt. 4, mm. 41 to mm. 80 
  • Strauss: Don Juan – mm.1 to D 


Solo Repertoire: First movement exposition from one standard cello concerto

Orchestral Excerpts:

  • Beethoven: Symphony No. 5 – mvt. 2 mm. 1-10, 43-59, 98-106 
  • Brahms: Symphony No. 2 – mvt. 2 mm. 1-16 
  • Debussy: La Mer – 2 before reh. 9 to 7 after reh. 9 
  • Mendelssohn: Midsummer Night’s Dream – Scherzo: reh. C to reh D 
  • Strauss: Ein Heldenleben – mm. 1 to reh. 6 


Solo Repertoire: First movement exposition from one standard bass concerto 

Orchestral Excerpts:

  • Beethoven: Symphony No. 5 – mvt. 3, mm. 1 to 5 after reh. A and Trio – 23 after reh. B
  • Beethoven: Symphony No . 9 – mvt. 4, mm. 1 to 91
  • Brahms: Symphony No. 2 – mvt. 1, reh. E to reh. F
  • Mahler: Symphony No. 1 – mvt. 3, solo
  • Mozart: Symphony No. 40 – mvt. 1, mm. 114 to mm. 138
  • Strauss: Ein Heldenleben – reh. 9 to 6 after reh. 12


The application deadline has passed.

Application deadline is 11:59pm EST on Thursday, March 6, 2025. 

Applicants will be notified on or before March 18, 2025 to schedule interviews

Finalists must be available to participate in a 25-minute Zoom interview with the search panel to be scheduled between March 31 and April 11, 2025.

Winners will be notified by April 18, 2025.  

For questions and information, contact:

Mitsuko Flynn, CSO Director of Education & Business Operations |